The Victorian Government has introduced compulsory minimum standards, which apply to organisations that provide services for children, to protect children from all forms of abuse. The Child Safety Standards (Standards) came into effect on 1 January 2017.
Little Athletics Victoria (LAVic) and its affiliated Centres must comply with these Standards. LAVic are working their way through the Standards, and providing direction and information to Centres as they progress.
To meet obligations under the Standards, LAVic have adopted the LAA National Child Protection Policy (Policy) and has issued the following Statement of Commitment to Child Safety.
Statement of Commitment
LAVic has a zero tolerance to child abuse, is committed to acting in children’s best interest and keeping them safe, and actively works to empower children. We value diversity and do not tolerate any discrimination practices.
To achieve this we will:
- Promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children and their families.
- Promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and their families.
- Welcome children with a disability and their families and act to promote their participation.
The adoption of the Policy and Statement of Commitment will enable LAVic to create consistent policies and procedures in line with the Standards and will influence organisational and community culture on child safety.
Child Safety Officer: Tamara Price
The identification of Child Safety Officers (CSO) or Child Protection Officers (CPO) is to provide children, volunteers and parents with a clearly identifiable support network in the event of a suspected child safety issue. Child Safety Officers will be able to act as a source of support, advice and expertise to the Centre on matters of child safety, liaise with the Committee and other volunteers to maintain visibility of child safety and lead the development of the Centre’s child safety culture, including being a child safety champion and provide coordination in communicating, implementing, monitoring, enhancing and reporting on strategies to embed a culture of child safety.
They will encourage amongst adults a culture of listening to children and taking into account their wishes and feelings in any measures to protect them and ensure that the Volunteers and parents are aware of and understand the Child Safe Code of Conduct. They will guide Child Safety incident management and reporting and will respond appropriately to a child who makes or is affected by a Child Safety incident taking, securing and retaining records of the allegations of child safety issues or abuse.
Working with children check

The Working with Children Check (WWC) was implemented to protect our children from harm from Physical Contact to face-to-face communication.
All Centre and Club committee members, chief officials, coaches, and volunteers without children at the Centre and people require a current WWC Check.
To apply for the WWC Check (it’s free!), please go to