Welcome To Collingwood Little Athletics
Mission statement & objectives
To develop children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletics activities.
Through the enjoyment of athletics develop positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle for our children, families and community.

Summer Season 24/25 registrations opening late August
Registrations for the 24/25 summer season will open late August – please visit the LAVic registration portal
George Knott Reserve
We are located in Clifton Hill @George Knott Reserve on Heidelberg Road.
Cross country training is held on the other side of Heidelberg Road @Yarra Bend Park.

Latest news
- Competition Cancelled 18/10Unfortunately, with the storms currently going across Melbourne (and looking to continue for the afternoon), we are going to cancel the competition tonight. The track and facilities are very wet and would not be a safe or enjoyable environment for athletes or families. See you next week!
- Week of 7 OctoberWe look forward to seeing you for our first competition session this Friday night, 11th October, from 5:30pm.Please note though, that there will be no training on Tuesday 8th October, due to track maintenance.
- Summer Season 2024/25Join us for an Information Session and Skills Clinic on Saturday 14th September. We look forward to welcoming new athletes considering joining for the season, and catching up with those that have been with us before. Committee Members and Coaches will be there on the day to answer any questions, and run the kids through… Read More »Summer Season 2024/25